by Well Tecnologia



Make a difference when it comes to quality and speed of information. With this purpose, the Portal Sul da Bahia appears in Itabuna. Designed by the Employees Association *this Portal brings in its essence a partnership between three communication vehicles that are a reference in Itabuna and Region: Rádio Difusora, Jornal Agora and TV Itabuna. It arises by uniting the best in content and image of these three vehicles, to make available to you, internet reader, all the facts that happen daily in the Southern Region of Bahia.You will also find articles by specialists in different areas, as well as links to watch all of Rádio Difusora’s “live” programming. It is important to remember that we came up with the very best not only in content and image, but also in our layout, which will once again allow Internet users to be sure that Portal Sul da Bahia is a communication vehicle produced with responsibility, credibility and the certainty that it is here to stay!Contact us: [email protected] website: